Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moon in Virgo October 11-12 & What it means for you!

On October 11th the Moon entered Virgo @ 3:23 pm est and will remain there before going Void of Course @ 7:48 pm est on October 12th.

See what a Moon in Virgo means for here.

Ritual and Spell Kits make it easy for those you are unsure as how to go about doing a Ritual or Spell. They can also be a good way of introducing you to different ideas that you can use to build on and create your own.

Wiccan Supplies, Ritual and Spell Kits

Don't forget to check out the Moon's phases and how to work with them.

Plus...The Seasonal Moons of the Lunar calendar. Where we talk about the different full Moons that happen every month and what they are for.

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