Moon-Void of Course

As the Moon orbits the Earth it passes through the signs of the zodiac. Every lunar month it travels through all twelve signs, passing through each more than, but less than three days. When the Moon gets near the end of each sign it goes beyond its last major aspect, or connection, with another planet. When this happens, and until it moves into the next sign, the Moon is said to be "Void of Course". This is a time when we can really feel unconnected and without direction. It is, therefore, an ideal time for centering ourselves.

Moon void of course can last for only seconds or minutes or even for a day or two. It all depends on the locations of the planets and their interactions at the time.

While the Moon is void of course it is wise to avoid making any important decisions. Judgment at this time is probably faulty. Decisions tend to be unrealistic and subject to factors unknown at the time. New paths are likely to be plagued with false starts, errors and unexpected hassles.

During Moon void of course, actions produce unexpected results. Creative efforts go in unexpected directions. Contracts, promises or new laws bring on difficulties. Purchases prove to be unsatisfactory or the object simply does not fulfill its intention. Routines involving no decisions will usually go well, but often require corrections later. Delays and frustrations are common. Moon void of course is a time to "kick back", let life flow and avoid difficulties.

The important guideline for Moon void of course periods is to not be involved in concerns beyond your spiritual center. Moon void of course is a time for subjective, spiritual, non-materialistic concerns. Don't push the river!

Once the Moon enters the next sign it is no longer void of course. If we have taken time off from business to give attention to relaxation and to our spiritual growth, then we can more effectively go back to dealing with the affairs of the day-today material world.

(Taken from Jim Maynard's "Celestial Influences 2012")

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