Moon Phases & Working with them!

Working With Lunar Energy In each Of the Moon's Phases!

The energy of the Moon changes depending upon the phase that the Moon is in. In Wicca, each phase of the Moon is noted, because different kinds of Moon energy are used for different kinds of magick.

Some witches celebrate Diana's Bow-the first sliver of Moon visible in the sky. This usually occurs about three days after the Moon has gone dark and is a great time for new projects that would benefit from a gradual increase in energy.

The Waxing Moon: Initiation and Growth
When the first sliver thread of moonlight shows itself, the time is right for starting new projects and making new plans. Say you decide to go back to school to study something totally different from what you've done before. This is the time to do magick to bless that endeavor. Or maybe you want a makeover of your wardrobe or your lifestyle. this is the best time to apply your magickal energies to that end. It is also a good time to bring new things into your home: plants, pets or decorations for a harmonious blending of energy.

The Full Moon: Your Heart's Desire Seek
Remember the ninth couplet from "The Rede of the Wiccae"? In case you haven't got the Rede memorized yet, here it is:

When the Moon rides at her peak, then your heart's desire seek.

The energy of the full Moon is about going for the gusto. The time of the full Moon is good for calling in what you really want, be it money, love, peace or what have you. Full Moon energy enhances your own magickal flow. Spells you do under the full Moon's glow are especially powerful. This is a time to seek visions and wisdom through divination, scrying, or just being open to the voice of the Goddess as you meditate. Full Moon energy is available three days before the actual full Moon and three days after.

(Just because the full Moon is a good time for magickal workings doesn't mean you have to do magick at every full Moon. If you don't have a specific need or want, resist the temptation to use that lunar energy. During your Esbat, you can simply choose to honor the Goddess and feel at one with her. And that can be a super-powerful experience on its own.)
The Waning Moon: Taking Away
When the Moon is on the wane it is the best time for banishing magick. At this time, use spells to get rid of things like bad habits or bad energy.

Example: Say you moved into a new home where the previous occupants were quarrelsome and angry and you want to clear the house of those energies. At the waning Moon. place a large onion in a bowl of salt in each room of the house to absorb any left over hostile feelings. Leave them there for a full lunar cycle, until the Moon is waning again a month later. then gather the onions into a dark-colored bag and carry them away from your home. Toss them in a moving body of water or leave them in a wooded area where you don't ordinarily go. Dispose of the bag before returning to your home. This is waning Moon magick.

The Dark Moon: Take a Break
Many witches believe that you should not practice magick at all during the three days a month when the Moon is dark and is not visible in the sky. This is the time of the month when the Goddess is thought to have descended into the underworld. She is in mourning, and her energy is at its lowest point. During the Dark of the Moon, Hecate, the Goddess in her aspect as queen of the underworld, rules. Meditation and relaxation are the order of the day.

Visit Ravens Roost Magick for the supplies you need for all your magickal workings!

(Wicca and Witchcraft)

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