Gemini Moons are built for activity and lots of it. The cerebral kind is best, as long as it's fast and furious, but physical movements that require agility and quick reflexes are also aided by her energy. Gemini is a mutable (change orientated) air sign, and just like air here on Earth, air signs like to move around-the quicker the better. When the Moon is here, we find ourselves feeling just as restless on all levels.
The Moon's costume now is a coat of many colors, so variety will truly become the spice of life. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the Messenger, now will also be when you're all suddenly in the mood for lively conversation, solving puzzles, exchanging riddles and playing word games.
Gemini rules duality, so whatever we're after now, we'll want two-at least two, but the more the merrier. Communication of all kinds is favored, from phone calls to the written word, but keep it light. Gemini has no time for heavy commitments or long-lingering goodbyes. Cut to the chase, get the show on the road and multitask.
Now is when you'll find the best shortcuts and when you'll need to take them, too. The downside? Watch out for the tendency to become a bit scattered under this fun, fickle Moon and don't expect promises made by others to necessarily be promises kept.
Super for communication, writing and travel. Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence. Time for shortcuts, communication, games and fun.
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