Ah, yes. Cancer. Home turf. What could possibly be sweeter, safer or more perfect? Here's the Moon all snuggled up in the sign she loves best, the sign where she'd freest to express her emotions and offer her warn, nurturing support and protection to those she cares for.
The Moon rules Cancer, so when she's here, she's like a queen in her castle, all done up in a regal silver gown.
When the Moon is in this sign, we absorb and acquire her maternal instinct and suddenly become far more concerned with our homes, families, children and mothers. Just as the Moon reflects the Sun's light, we reflect on our experiences with others. We react to others rather than taking actions of our own and we we are far more likely to react with sympathy, empathy and understanding. Now, too, is when we often find we'll offer to take care of someone, whether it's to cook, clean or just cuddle a dear one.
During the Moon's passage through this eminently emotional sign, emotions always run high, however, so it's important to watch out for becoming moody, oversensitive, dependent or needy. Our instinct increases, making it impossible not to feel what others feel. In all, now is a great time to tend to our nests, putter around the house, have family over and take care of domestic concerns.
A great time for looking at issues centering on your home, domestic life and emotional support network. Stimulates emotional rapport between people. Supports growth and nurturing. Tend to domestic concerns.
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